Sunday, January 10, 2016

The stubborn stump.

When we first moved onto the property one of things I really disliked was the dilapidated fence surrounding the shed. It's wasn't functional and it felt like it was boxing us in. Anyway, we decided to pull it down and you may have seen my original exploits here.
Fast forward a week where most of the fence has been pulled down and now we are left with the big stumps. We plan to either re use these somewhere or chop them up for fire wood. 

Yesterday my parents where here delivering a few things on the trailer and after we all completed a number of jobs and a few shenanigans -including dad trying to teach me how to ride the post bike (epic FAIL btw), we thought our working bee had come to an end. 

"That will come straight out" she said. "That will be easy" she said. "Just do it " she said. That was my mum talking about one of the posts we really wanted dug out.   Let me tell you, it did not 'come straight out' and there was nothing easy about it.  I must say, it did look like it had a decent wobble to it and the hopeful part of my brain said that together we would indeed be able to get it out and it would be fairly straight forward....WRONG!
It began with my dad and I just trying to yank the thing upwards and straight out.

Yep, this was never going to work!

and neither was this...almost, but not quite. 

We thought perhaps we should all have a go.... You know, team work and all that.....
Then I got to it with the crow bar digging in around the edges of the pole and trying to loosen it and pry it out that way.  The only thing that did was send me flying a meter back and landing on my bum. Painful, but hilarious.  
So this moment here, is not my dad reaching out his hand to help me up, no that is him reaching for the crow bar to take back over to the stump and keep working.
The sensible one of the group.
Clearly we weren't getting anywhere with our detailed and sensible plan of 'just pull it out' so we resorted to much more drastic measures.  The chainsaw.  Yeah, take that you old stubborn stump.  We were praising our efforts and thinking this was the best thing we had thought of since 'use the crow bar'.  So Kristian got his chance to be all macho and get out his chainsaw and chop that stump where it hurts.  I was saying things like "yeah, and now we can just pull the small piece of stump out".  WRONG again.  
We even got rope and tied it around the stump and used dads 4w drive to try and drive it out. The rope broke.  So, now, instead of a tall post sticking out of the ground, we have a small one sticking out, oh, and very sore backs. 

Eliza x

Ps: thanks to my mum for being such an encouraging force on the sidelines and offering her wonderful words of advice.  I'm also really glad you captured the hour long process so well.