Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The first night...

23rd of December 2015 is marked as our first night in the shed. Kristian and I had been working hard all day trying our best to get things somewhat organised. Thankfully my mum had all the girls at her place so we could just concentrate on all the mess, yes mess. Boy oh boy, what a roller coaster of a day. I'd look around and think, "we are getting nowhere", then half an hour later I'd think, "oh wow, we are smashing this", then 20 minutes later I'd think, "set up the tent coz we have no where to sleep tonight". Anyway, we just kept on keeping on, shuffling and moving things, box by box. The thing is, under normal circumstances we would usually have cupboards and places to put things, but shed life is different, and space for our stuff has been an issue. The perfectionist in me has been struggling at not having everything looking 'done' and nice. There are extension cords over parts of the floors as we are still fishing the electrics, we are going to wait to paint the girls rooms until their ceilings go in, and most things feel half done. I keep reminding myself though that this is ok, because we are on a journey. It is a process and we knew things would take time. 

After picking up the kids and heading back to the property, there was still more to do. I unpacked 4 very excited girls  who eagerly ran throughout the shed trying to find their stuff. We finished arranging beds and putting bedding on and finally got the kids to bed about 8:30pm. We weren't far behind them, and as I lay there in the peace and calmness that night brings, I found my thoughts a jumble of excitedness and anxiousness. The reality of what we were embarking on was setting in. 

Eliza X

Ps- as I write this, sitting outside, I am watching the girls run around completely nude. They have been this way for at least 2 hours. I don't know what has happened to them, but I hope it doesn't happen to me....!


  1. Look forward to many more posts of stories Eliza. Happy journey in the Bush.

  2. Love you guys and I'm so happy that you are doing this! I know your lives will be richer for it! Life is too short not to cherish you family as you are doing.
