Thursday, December 10, 2015

The shed.

This is the shed before and after we painted the floor. The floor looks way darker in the pictures because the pic was taken while it was still wet. We decided to just paint the concrete floor, we figured it was an area where we could save money and didn't have to worry too much about all the dirt and stuff the kids would do to it. I say 'we' about the decision making but when it came to the labour, hubby did all the prep for the floors and painting himself. Isn't he amazing!
So those lovely timber walls you can see,  are not actually lovely timber, just a 'timber look' ply that the previous owner had put up. Initially we thought about ripping that off but for now we will leave it. That kitchen we will also keep for now- I am just going to paint them and re line the cupboards because, well, they are gross! 
Where we have put a lot of our focus is putting in two bedrooms up the back end of the shed. I really had to push for this because I think Kristian would have had us all sleeping in the one area, which as much as I adore and love our kids this was never going to happen! 
As you can see-one of the roller doors has come off and thanks to my dads handy gumtree skills we now have a window there in its place! I will post photos of the finished bedrooms once they are done! 

Next on our list of important things to do was getting a bore dug! We had the water diviner come out and he told us he was confident we could get water at 5 different spots on the property. We were very happy when the first spot he chose he struck water! They found water at 120feet. It's slightly salty but ok for livestock and watering native plants. Eventually we will get another rainwater tank and do half bore water and rain water and then we can use it for almost everything! I was thrilled,because with six of us living there we really needed more water, and once I picked Kristian up off the floor after receiving the bill, he too was happy! 

So we've been staying with my parents while the bedrooms are being finished and it was nice the other day to get up to the block with the kids in tow to have a look around! They were such a great help as we carted stuff from the shed to the shipping containers and their favourite way of doing that was with the wheelbarrow! The girls were way too excited when they got to have noodles for dinner, never mind that I almost sustained 3rd degree burns trying to make noodles in a non functioning kitchen! 

I'll leave you with one last picture that makes me laugh as although we had a great time getting everything done together, sometimes...things get tense! 

Eliza X 

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